About Us


The Public Water Supply District No. 2 of Monroe County, MO is a distributor of high quality, potable water as a member of Clarence Cannon Wholesale Water Commission. Our primary mission is to provide needed facilities and services in the use of water at a reasonable cost, consistent with sound and efficient business practices. A commitment to provide continuing education, training and support to employees insures maintenance of water quality standards throughout the system.

In addition to distributing high quality water, PWSD #2 provides sanitary wastewater service to qualified areas of the district. This service, offered at a reasonable cost will not adversely affect any customer not receiving wastewater service. The District will provide water and wastewater services that will meet or exceed both state and federal standards and requirements and thereby promote, public health, sanitation and the general public welfare.




Background Information


PWSD #2 of Monroe County, Mo was originally established in the Holliday, Mo area in 1966 and officially incorporated December 20, 1967. At that time, only the western portion of Monroe County was to be served. Currently, much of Monroe County, (90 square miles) the northeastern one-third of Audrain County (54 square miles) and of the northern one-half of Montgomery County (25 square miles) is within its boundaries. Approximately 169_total square miles of territory is included, with over 1300 linear miles of water mains installed. The district surrounds but does not serve several small communities including Paris, Madison, Vandalia, Wellsville, Farber and Laddonia, Missouri. It does serve the villages of Holliday and Rush Hill.


PWSD #2 of Monroe County is a distribution system, buying all of its water from Clarence Cannon Wholesale Water Commission in Stoutsville, MO. Our District is one of the founding members of the CCWWC and contracted for 720,000 gallons per day. Our Water Purchase Contract with CCWWC is tied directly to the Bond issue used for the original project, and is set to be retired in 2020. Recently the CCWWC expanded the plant capacity to 10 millions gallons a day and has available capacity of nearly half that amount for future sales and expansion. It has as its source Mark Twain Lake, which is an Army Corps of Engineers project completed in the mid-1980’s. Clarence Cannon Dam, on the Salt River created the reservoir which is 60% surface water and 40% spring fed, by volume. The CCWWC serves over 20 Water Districts and Cities and has a modern and efficiently run plant with an excellent reputation for high quality and consistent quantity.


Our water storage facilities include both elevated tanks and stand pipes. We store nearly 650,000 gallons of water above ground. Our water sales average 350,000 gallons per day, peaking at just over 400,000 gallons per day. We have a regular washout inspection program in place and provide for a Tank Maintenance Fund as part of our financial budgeting. Our infrastructure consists of 2, 3, 4 and 6 inch water mains, all PVC. Most of our service lines that cross County or State roads are bored copper lines. All of our new, non-project construction is done according to the 5-year Supervised Plan, approved by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. While we still update and use our paper maps, we have also had our entire system digitally created in ARC View. We have recently completed a full hydraulic study of the system as well. All of our pumping stations and towers are electronically monitored and controlled using SCADA technology.


In 2010 we installed all new, fixed-base, radio read meters throughout the system. This system is designed to provide up to the hour readings and historical information on each meter, which is very valuable in leak detection and GPS locations on all the meters.


In addition to a water distribution system, PWSD#2 also acquired the authority to provided wastewater service in 1999. At this time, we are serving two small communities with sanitary sewer service—Holliday (70 connections) and Rush Hill, MO (55 connections). Both systems are similar, collection lines, lift stations and a three cell lagoon system and have recently been upgraded to be non-discharge systems.


Office - Paris, MO